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The many facets of Kinetic Theory

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The many facets of Kinetic Theory
Dates of Event
23rd September 2024 – 27th September 2024
Last Booking Date for this Event
27th September 2024


Kinetic theory is an area of mathematics which investigates systems that involve many elements using tools from Analysis of PDEs, Probability, and Numerical Analysis and Modelling. While originating in physical systems such as dilute gases, Kinetic Theory’s reach has expanded dramatically in recent decades to include biological, chemical, and even societal phenomena.

This ICMS workshop aims to bring together experts from various facets of Kinetic Theory to share their recent advances and discuss the future of the field. The workshop will also provide ample opportunities for early career researchers to present their research and engage with world renown experts in the field. 

The Many Facets of Kinetic Theory follows on the momentum generated by the INI-supported network, KineticNet which aims to facilitate cohesion, collaboration, and generate a sense of community between the different people working in the field of Kinetic Theory in the UK.


Attendee CategoryCost   
Registration fee£150.00

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