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Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Facility

Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Facility


04/12/24 Conducting Interviews in Qualitative Research


This course introduces the knowledge and skills required to conduct research interviews in qualitative research.  Full course details can be found from our website

Date:  Wednesday 4 December 2024

Time:  09:30 - 12:30

Venue:  Edinburgh CRF, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh

Tutor:  Dr Sheila Rodgers

Course fees:

*** Note - we offer a £20 discount on course fees if paying by debit/credit card - see below rates.

Category Rate (card) Rate (invoice/UoE internal transfer)
Student £40 £60
University of Edinburgh/NHS Lothian £60 £80
Other Academic/NHS £90 £110
Industry £180 £200


There is a cancellation date of Wednesday 20 November 2024. You will still be charged if you cancel after this date.


Attendee CategoryCost   
Industry rate (paying by card)£180.00[Read More]
Other Academic/NHS (paying by card)£90.00[Read More]
Paying by invoice/internal transfer (rates in above table will apply)£0.00[Read More]
Student rate (paying by card)£40.00[Read More]
University of Edinburgh/NHS Lothian (paying by card)£60.00[Read More]

21/01/25 Mixed Methods


This course will cover the application of mixed methods in health and social care research.  Full course details can be found from our website

Date:  Tuesday 21 January 2025

Time:  09:30 - 12:30

Venue:  Online (Zoom)

Tutor:  Dr Sheila Rodgers

Course fees:

*** Note - we offer a £20 discount on course fees if paying by debit/credit card - see below rates.

Category Rate (card) Rate (invoice/UoE internal transfer)
Student £40 £60
University of Edinburgh/NHS Lothian £60 £80
Other Academic/NHS £90 £110
Industry £180 £200


There is a cancellation date of Tuesday 07 January 2024. You will still be charged if you cancel after this date.


Attendee CategoryCost   
Industry rate (paying by card)£180.00[Read More]
Other Academic/NHS (paying by card)£90.00[Read More]
Paying by invoice/internal transfer (Rates in above table will apply)£0.00[Read More]
Student rate (paying by card)£40.00[Read More]
University of Edinburgh/NHS Lothian (paying by card)£60.00[Read More]
wtcrf Logo

14/11/24 There's an SOP for that! A practical guide to Standard Operating Procedures


This practical course focuses on how to write and manage Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in a clinical research setting.

Full course details can be found on our website.

Date:   Thursday 14 November 2024

Time:   09:30-12:30

Venue:  Online (Zoom) 

Tutor:  James Gibson

Course fees:

*There are a limited number of fully-funded places available on this course for University of Edinburgh (UoE) and NHS Lothian (NHSL) staff and students. To be eligible for one of the funded places, you must provide an active UoE or NHSL email addressTerms and Conditions apply. 

*** Note - we offer a £20 discount on course fees if paying by card - see below rates

Category Rate (card) Rate (invoice)
Fully funded place (see eligibility above)* £0 £0
Student (matriculation details required) £40 £60
Academic/NHS £90 £110
Industry £180 £200

There is a cancellation date of 31/10/24. If you cancel after this date, you will still be charged. 


Attendee CategoryCost   
*Funded place - University of Edinburgh/NHS Lothian (£0 - booking still required)£0.00[Read More]
Academic/NHS (paying by card)£90.00[Read More]
Industry rate (paying by card)£180.00[Read More]
Paying by invoice/internal transfer (rates in above table will apply)£0.00[Read More]
Student rate (paying by card)£40.00[Read More]
Education Logo

30/10/24 Generative AI and the Researcher


This course introduces researchers to the area of Gen AI and how it can be integrated into the research process.

Full course details can be found on our website.

Date:  Wednesday 30 October 2024

Time:  13:30 - 16:00

Venue:  Online (Zoom)

Tutor:  Dr Joanna Young

Course fees:

*There are a limited number of fully-funded places available on this course for University of Edinburgh (UoE) and NHS Lothian (NHSL) staff and students. To be eligible for one of the funded places, you must provide an active UoE or NHSL email address. Terms and Conditions apply. 

*** Note - we offer a £20 discount on course fees if paying by debit/credit card - see below rates

  Card payment Invoice/internal transfer
Fully Funded place (see eligibility above) £0 £0
Student (Matriculation card details required) £40  £60
Academic/NHS £90   £110
Industry £180  £200

There is a cancellation date of 16/10/24. If you cancel after this date, you will still be charged. 


Attendee CategoryCost   
*Funded place - University of Edinburgh/NHS Lothian (£0 - booking still required)£0.00[Read More]
Academic/NHS (paying by card)£90.00[Read More]
Industry rate (paying by card)£180.00[Read More]
Paying by invoice/internal transfer (Rates in above table will apply)£0.00[Read More]
Student rate (paying by card)£40.00[Read More]
Education Logo

26/11/24 Including Patient and Public Involvement in Funding Applications


This course will explore how and where to include PPI in research grant applications.

Full course details can be found on our website

Date:  Tuesday 26 November 2024

Time:  10:00 - 13:00

Venue:  Online (Zoom)

Tutor:  Carol Porteous

Course fees:

*There are a limited number of fully-funded places available on this course for University of Edinburgh (UoE) and NHS Lothian (NHSL) staff and students. To be eligible for one of the funded places, you must provide an active UoE or NHSL email address. Terms and Conditions apply. 

*** Note - we offer a £20 discount on course fees if paying by debit/credit card - see below rates

Fully Funded place (see eligibility above) £0 £0
Student (Matriculation card details required) £40  £60
Academic/NHS £90   £110
Industry £180  £200


There is a cancellation date of 12/11/24 . If you cancel after this date, you will still be charged. 


Attendee CategoryCost   
*Funded place - University of Edinburgh/NHS Lothian (£0 - booking still required)£0.00[Read More]
Academic/NHS (paying by card)£90.00[Read More]
Industry rate (paying by card)£180.00[Read More]
Paying by invoice/internal transfer (Rates in above table will apply)£0.00[Read More]
Student rate (paying by card)£40.00[Read More]
Education Logo

05/12/24 Creating and Running a PPI Group


This course discusses how to advertise and recruit patient and public members, organise your first meeting and how to keep your group running successfully and sustainably.

Full course details can be found on our website.

Date: Thursday 05 December 2024

Time: 10:00-13:00

Location: Online (Zoom)

Tutor: Carol Porteous

Course Fees:

*There are a limited number of fully-funded places available on this course for University of Edinburgh (UoE) and NHS Lothian (NHSL) staff and students. To be eligible for one of the funded places, you must provide an active UoE or NHSL email addressTerms and Conditions apply. 

*** Note - we offer a £20 discount on course fees if paying by debit/credit card - see below rates

Category Rate - Card Rate - Invoice/internal UoE transfer
Fully funded place (See eligibility above) £0 £0
Student (Matriculation card details required) £40   £60
Academic/NHS £90  £110
Industry £180  £200


There is a cancellation date of 21/11/24. If you cancel after this date, you will still be charged. 


Attendee CategoryCost   
*Funded place - University of Edinburgh/NHS Lothian (£0 - booking still required)£0.00[Read More]
Academic/NHS (paying by card)£90.00[Read More]
Industry rate (paying by card)£180.00[Read More]
Paying by invoice/internal transfer (Rates in above table will apply)£0.00[Read More]
Student rate (paying by card)£40.00[Read More]
wtcrf Logo

07/11/2024 Inspection Survival Guide: Being Prepared for an MHRA GCP Inspection


This half-day course will use presentations and workshops to provide an overview of the GCP inspection process from notification to closure.

Full course details can be found via this link.

Date:  Thursday 07 November 2024

Time:  09:30-13:00

Venue:  Online via Zoom

Tutor:  James Gibson

Course fees:

*There are a limited number of fully-funded places available on this course for University of Edinburgh (UoE) and NHS Lothian (NHSL) staff and students. To be eligible for one of the funded places, you must provide an active UoE or NHSL email addressTerms and Conditions apply. 

*** Note - we offer a £20 discount on course fees if paying by card - see below rates

Category Rate (card) Rate (invoice/internal transfer)
Fully funded place (see eligibility above)* £0 £0
Student (matriculation details required) £40 £60
Academic/NHS £90 £110
Industry £180 £200

There is a cancellation date of 24/10/24. If you cancel after this date, you will still be charged. 


Attendee CategoryCost   
*Funded place- University of Edinburgh/NHS Lothian £0 - booking still required£0.00[Read More]
Industry rate (paying by card)£180.00[Read More]
Other Academic/NHS (paying by card)£90.00[Read More]
Paying by invoice/internal transfer (Rates in table above apply)£0.00[Read More]
Student rate (paying by card)£40.00[Read More]

28/10/24 - 07/11/24 Planning and Conducting a Systematic Review


28 Oct 2024 – 07 Nov 2024  (13:00-14:00 each weekday)

This course will enable delegates to understand the process of how the systematic review is put into action and to complete a systematic review involving quantitative studies. The teaching will include online lectures spread over two weeks and some hands-on practice using a range of tools and resources that are available to help researchers carry out reviews. The teaching material will include themed examples spanning both clinical and public health research. Details of this course are available from our website.

*** Note - we offer a £20 discount on course fees if paying by debit/credit card - see below rates

Category Rate (card) Rate (invoice/UoE internal transfer)
Student (matriculation details required) £160 £180
University of Edinburgh/NHS Lothian £220 £240
Other Academic/NHS £360 £380
Industry  £720 £740


The cancellation date is 14 October 2024.  You will still be charged if you cancel after this date.


Attendee CategoryCost   
*University of Edinburgh/NHS Lothian (paying by card)£220.00[Read More]
Industry rate (paying by card)£720.00[Read More]
Other Academic/NHS (paying by card)£360.00[Read More]
Paying by invoice/internal transfer (Rates in table above apply)£0.00[Read More]
Student rate (paying by card)£160.00[Read More]
Education Logo

04/02/2025 Stats for the Terrified: Intro to Medical Statistics


An introductory course covering the basics of using and interpreting statistics in healthcare research. Full course details can be found on our website.

Date: Tuesday 04 February 2025

Time: 09:30 -12:30

Location: Online (Zoom)

Tutor: David Chinn

Course Fees:

*There are a limited number of fully-funded places available on this course for University of Edinburgh (UoE) and NHS Lothian (NHSL) staff and students. To be eligible for one of the funded places, you must provide an active UoE or NHSL email addressTerms and Conditions apply. 

*** Note - we offer a £20 discount on course fees if paying by debit/credit card - see below rates

Category Rate - Card Rate - Invoice/internal UoE transfer
Fully funded place (See eligibility above) £0 £0
Student (Matriculation card details required) £40   £60
Academic/NHS £90  £110
Industry £180  £200

There is a cancellation date of 21/01/25.  If you cancel after this date, you will still be charged. 


Attendee CategoryCost   
*Fully Funded place – University of Edinburgh/NHS Lothian (£0 – booking still required)£0.00[Read More]
Academic/NHS (paying by card)£90.00[Read More]
Industry rate (paying by card)£180.00[Read More]
Paying by other method -invoice/internal payment (cost charged will be same as other categories)£0.00[Read More]
Student rate (paying by card)£40.00[Read More]

Education Admin Charge


As per our Terms and Conditions for Fully-funded places on our courses, we reserve the right to charge an admin fee of £50 should you fail to comply.

Attendee CategoryCost   
Standard Admin Charge£50.00[Read More]
WTCRF Education Logo

27/11/24 GCP for Laboratories


This course will provide you with an understanding of the importance of GCP for Laboratories and its practical application in research studies.

Full course details can be found via this link

Date:  Wednesday 27 November 2024

Time:  10:00 - 12:30

Location:  Online (Zoom)

Tutor:  Scott Denham

Course fees:

*There are a limited number of fully-funded places available on this course for University of Edinburgh (UoE) and NHS Lothian (NHSL) staff and students. To be eligible for one of the funded places, you must provide an active UoE or NHSL email addressTerms and Conditions apply. 

*** Note - we offer a £20 discount on course fees if paying by debit/credit card - see below rates

Category Rate (card) Rate (invoice/UoE internal transfer)
Fully funded place (see eligibility above)* £0 £0
Student (matriculation details required) £40 £60
Academic/NHS £90 £110
Industry £180 £200


There is a cancellation date of 13/11/24. If you cancel after this date, you will still be charged. 


Attendee CategoryCost   
*Funded place – University of Edinburgh/NHS Lothian (£0 – booking still required)£0.00[Read More]
Industry rate (paying by card)£180.00[Read More]
Other Academic/NHS (paying by card)£90.00[Read More]
Paying by invoice/internal UoE recharge (fees as in table above)£0.00[Read More]
Student rate (paying by card)£40.00[Read More]

04/11/24 - 20/11/24 An Introduction to Qualitative Methods


This course introduces the key principles in research design and strategy for qualitative research.  Full details of this course are available from our website.

Dates: Please note there are 6 sessions in this course:

  • Monday 04/11/24
  • Wednesday 06/11/24
  • Monday 11/11/24
  • Wednesday 13/11/24
  • Monday 18/11/24
  • Wednesday 20/11/24

Time:  09:30 - 12:30

Venue: Online (Zoom)

Tutor: Sheila Rodgers


*** Note - we offer a £20 discount on course fees if paying by debit/credit card - see below rates

Attendee category Rate (Card) Rate (Invoice/UoE internal transfer)
Student (Matriculation card details required) £240  £260
University of Edinburgh/NHS Lothian £360  £380
Other Academic/NHS £540  £560
Industry £1,080  £1,100

There is a cancellation date of 21/10/24. If you cancel after this date, you will still be charged. 


Attendee CategoryCost   
Industry rate (paying by card)£1080.00[Read More]
NHS Lothian/University of Edinburgh (paying by card)£360.00[Read More]
Other Academic/NHS (paying by card)£540.00[Read More]
Paying by invoice/internal transfer (Rates in table above apply)£0.00[Read More]
Student rate (paying by card)£240.00[Read More]

Edinburgh Clinical Research Methodology Course (ECRMC 2025)


NOTE: This course was originally scheduled for 30 September and 01 October 2024.


NEW DATES: 17 - 18 March 2025

John McIntyre Conference Centre, Edinburgh

The 10th Edinburgh Clinical Research Methodology Course is a two-day introductory course providing a comprehensive overview of methods and frameworks essential for conducting clinical research, recognising the diversity of approaches from randomised controlled trials through to qualitative methods. Participants will learn how to integrate Patient and Public Involvement into research design and delivery, as well as how to effectively engage with industry partners to advance research and promote innovation.

See www.ed.ac.uk/crfcourses for provisional programme.

Course Fees

NHS/Academic rate £225
Optional dinner on Monday 17 March 2025 £30
Industry (inc dinner) rate £480

Cancellation prior to 17 January 2025 will incur a £50 administration fee. No refund will be given after this date, unless your place can be reallocated.


Attendee CategoryCost   
1.NHS/Academic rate (course and dinner – PAYING BY CARD)£255.00[Read More]
2.NHS/Academic rate (course only – PAYING BY CARD)£225.00[Read More]
3.PAYING BY INVOICE/UoE INTERNAL TRANSFER (cost as per other categories)£0.00[Read More]
4.Industry rate (Course and dinner – PAYING BY CARD)£480.00[Read More]
5.Dinner only – PAYING BY CARD£30.00[Read More]
ECRF logo

Edinburgh Clinical Trial Management Course (ECTMC 2024)


21 & 22 November 2024

John McIntyre Conference Centre, Edinburgh


This course aims to develop your knowledge and skills in clinical trial management. The course consists of a variety of workshops, practical tasks and lectures. Several interactive sessions cover key topics associated with setting up and delivering clinical trials. Sessions provide practical guidance and facilitate discussion, information exchange and provide plenty of networking opportunities adjacent to Arthur’s Seat, a mountain in the heart of Edinburgh.

The course has been running for more than two decades, in order to support the professional development of anyone involved or interested in clinical trial management. This includes Trial Management Support Officers (TMSO), Assistant Trial Managers (ATMs), Trial Managers (TMs), Senior Trial Managers (STMs) and related roles.

See www.ed.ac.uk/crfcourses for provisional programme.

Course fees:

  • NHS/Academic = £550
  • Optional dinner on Thursday 21 November 2024 = £35
  • Industry (inc dinner) = £985

Course delegates will have access to a discount code for nearby accommodation, if required.

Cancellation prior to 21 September 2024 will incur a £50 administration fee. No refund will be given after this date, unless your place can be reallocated.


Attendee CategoryCost   
1. NHS/Academic rate (course and dinner – PAYING BY CARD)£585.00[Read More]
2. NHS/Academic rate (course only – PAYING BY CARD)£550.00[Read More]
3. PAYING BY INVOICE/UoE INTERNAL TRANSFER (cost as per other categories)£0.00[Read More]
4. Industry rate (Course and dinner – PAYING BY CARD)£985.00[Read More]
5. Dinner only – PAYING BY CARD£35.00[Read More]
Education Logo

*27/02/2025 Making sense of Numbers:Interpretation of Data


This half day course is aimed directly at those who need to interpret numbers but have little or no knowledge of statistics.  Full course details can be found on our website.

Date: Thursday 27 February 2025

Time: 09:30 -13:00

Location: Online (Zoom)

Tutor: David Chinn

Course Fees:

*There are a limited number of fully-funded places available on this course for University of Edinburgh (UoE) and NHS Lothian (NHSL) staff and students. To be eligible for one of the funded places, you must provide an active UoE or NHSL email addressTerms and Conditions apply. 

*** Note - we offer a £20 discount on course fees if paying by debit/credit card - see below rates

Category Rate - Card Rate - Invoice/internal UoE transfer
Fully funded place (See eligibility above) £0 £0
Student (Matriculation card details required) £40   £60
Academic/NHS £90  £110
Industry £180  £200

There is a cancellation date of 13/02/2025. If you cancel after this date, you will still be charged. 



Attendee CategoryCost   
*Funded place - University of Edinburgh/NHS Lothian (£0 - booking still required)£0.00[Read More]
Academic/NHS (paying by card)£90.00[Read More]
Industry rate (paying by card)£180.00[Read More]
Paying by invoice/internal transfer (Rates in table above apply)£0.00[Read More]
Student rate (paying by card)£40.00[Read More]

30/10/24 Informed Consent - Adults ( Scotland)


This workshop covers the ethical, legal and practical issues around receiving informed consent from adult clinical research participants. 

Full course details can be found from our website

Date:  Wednesday 30 October 2024

Time:  09:30 - 13:00

Venue:  Edinburgh Clinical Research Facility, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh

Tutors:  Jo Merrifield/Ailsa Geddes

Course fees:

*There are a limited number of fully-funded places available on this course for University of Edinburgh (UoE) and NHS Lothian (NHSL) staff and students. To be eligible for one of the funded places, you must provide an active UoE or NHSL email addressTerms and Conditions apply. 

*** Note - we offer a £20 discount on course fees if paying by debit/credit card - see below rates

Category Rate (card) Rate (invoice/UoE internal transfer)
Fully funded place (see eligibility above)* £0 £0
Student (matriculation details required) £40 £60
Academic/NHS £90 £110
Industry £180 £200

There is a cancellation date of 16/10/24. If you cancel after this date, you will still be charged. 


Attendee CategoryCost   
*Funded place – University of Edinburgh/NHS Lothian (£0 – booking still required)£0.00[Read More]
Academic/NHS (paying by card)£90.00[Read More]
Industry rate (paying by card)£180.00[Read More]
Paying by invoice/internal transfer (Rates in table above apply)£0.00[Read More]
Student rate (paying by card)£40.00[Read More]

17/10/24 Practical Guide to Patient and Public Involvement in Research


This workshop will provide you with a basic understanding of what PPI in research is all about.

Full course details can be found on our website.

Date: Thursday 17 October 2024

Time: 10:00-13:00

Location: Online (Zoom)

Tutor: Carol Porteous

Course Fees:

This course is free-of-charge for staff and students of the University of Edinburgh (UoE) and NHS Lothian (NHSL).  Booking is still required through the below link. 

Category Rate - Card Rate - Invoice/internal UoE transfer

UoE/NHSL staff/students

£0  £0
External Student £40 £60
Other Academic/NHS £90   £110
Industry £180 


There is a cancellation date of 03/10/24. If you cancel after this date, you will still be charged. 


Attendee CategoryCost   
*University of Edinburgh/NHS Lothian staff and students FOC (booking still required)£0.00[Read More]
External Student (external to UoE/NHSL) (paying by card)£40.00[Read More]
Industry rate (paying by card)£180.00[Read More]
Other Academic/NHS (paying by card)£90.00[Read More]
Paying by invoice/internal transfer (Rates in table above apply)£0.00[Read More]
CRF logo

11/03/25 Research, GDPR and confidentiality - what you need to know


This course provides an overview of UK data laws and their practical application in health and social care research.

Full course details can be found via this link.

Date:  Tuesday 11 March 2025

Time:  09:30 - 12:30

Venue:  Seminar Room, WTCRF, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh

Tutor:  Alex Bailey

Course fees:

*There are a limited number of fully-funded places available on this course for University of Edinburgh (UoE) and NHS Lothian (NHSL) staff and students. To be eligible for one of the funded places, you must provide an active UoE or NHSL email addressTerms and Conditions apply. 

*** Note - we offer a £20 discount on course fees if paying by debit/credit card - see below rates

Category Rate (card) Rate (invoice/UoE internal transfer)
Fully funded place (see eligibility above)* £0 £0
Student (matriculation details required) £40 £60
Academic/NHS £90 £110
Industry £180 £200

There is a cancellation date of 25/02/25. If you cancel after this date, you will still be charged, and/or be liable for a cancellation admin fee. 


Attendee CategoryCost   
*Funded place - University of Edinburgh/NHS Lothian (£0 - booking still required)£0.00[Read More]
Academic/NHS rate (paying by card)£90.00[Read More]
Industry rate (paying by card)£180.00[Read More]
Paying by invoice/internal transfer (Rates in above table will apply)£0.00[Read More]
Student rate (paying by card)£40.00[Read More]

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