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12/03/25 Informed Consent - Adults (Scotland)


Event Information

Date of Event
12th March 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
10th March 2025


This workshop covers the ethical, legal and practical issues around receiving informed consent from adult clinical research participants. 

Full course details can be found from our website

Date:  Wednesday 12 March 2025

Time:  09:30 - 13:00

Venue:  Edinburgh Clinical Research Facility, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh

Tutors:  Jo Merrifield/Ailsa Geddes

Course fees:

*There are a limited number of fully-funded places available on this course for University of Edinburgh (UoE) and NHS Lothian (NHSL) staff and students. To be eligible for one of the funded places, you must provide an active UoE or NHSL email addressTerms and Conditions apply. 

*** Note - we offer a £20 discount on course fees if paying by debit/credit card - see below rates

Category Rate (card) Rate (invoice/UoE internal transfer)
Fully funded place (see eligibility above)* £0 £0
Student (matriculation details required) £40 £60
Academic/NHS £90 £110
Industry £180 £200

There is a cancellation date of 28/02/24. If you cancel after this date, you will still be charged. 

Link to CRF courses

Attendee CategoryCost   
*Funded place – University of Edinburgh/NHS Lothian (£0 – booking still required)£0.00[Read More]
Academic/NHS (paying by card)£90.00[Read More]
Industry rate (paying by card)£180.00[Read More]
Paying by invoice/internal transfer (Rates in table above apply)£0.00[Read More]
Student rate (paying by card)£40.00[Read More]

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